Escape from planet earth soundtracks
Escape from planet earth soundtracks

escape from planet earth soundtracks

But Lena’s motives and the Grey’s motives make no sense! Lena finds out that General Shanker is using her and she still stays bad! Why? Also with the Greys, I get that they feel bad about accidentally killing General Shanker’s father, but to stay on Earth for who knows how long and help him capture other alien life forms to use as slaves to build a giant death ray just seems like a very extreme and redundant way to make it up to him. General Shanker’s motives technically make sense, although it’s a “cliche villain motive” with no thought or creativity put into it. And the villains motives can be rather vague. There’s many plot holes and things that don’t make sense. The story is extremely predictable, even to kids. Many of the jokes are forced, but I will give them credit for not having pandering pop culture references like most movies in this league have.

#Escape from planet earth soundtracks movie

There’s no character development or lesson learning, the characters are exactly the same at the end of the movie as they were at the beginning of the movie. (By that I mean, it’s not as bad as direct to DVD animation but that’s not saying much.) The characters are one dimensional stereotypes with really no personality or anything interesting or memorable about them.

escape from planet earth soundtracks

But I will give it that the animation looks at least passable enough for theaters. The art-style and animation is noticeably lacking in detail. Escape from Planet Earth is about as generic and cliche as one can get! The story is super bland, dull and predictable.

Escape from planet earth soundtracks